Monday, May 25, 2009

Mars and Venus....?????

After reading the two books "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus" and "Why Mars and Venus Collide" by John Gray and a few other books on similar lines like " Why Men don't Listen and Women can't read Maps", I can't help but wonder about the utility of reading these books for some.

As far as my understanding of these books is concerned, its about appreciating the differences between two individuals in a relationship, and making efforts to integrate these in order to make a relationship work. But except for the very few enlightened amongst us, this book is used merely to justify ourselves that "its not just me, there is a whole lot like me", " see, everyone is like that, I dont know what u r complaining about."

So, wats about these books then? Do they help people in improving the quality of relationships? So, for my own benefit and the benefit of many others, I have come up with my own list of the DOs and DONTs for a happy and satisfying relationship ;)) under STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT OF LOVE , which will be a series of blogs starting with my next blog.

So, all u inhabitants of Mars and Venus, HAVE A NICE DAY!!!